Da Evil Glove!

Once upon a time I had a glove. The glove had hyper realistic bleeding eyes on its skeleton skull. One day when I was taking a piss, the glove screamed "I am God!!!", and the skeleton popped out of the glove. The skeleton than started morphing into what looked like an evil blue hedgehog. Than the evil blue hedgehog started throwing up blood onto me. When I told the hedgehog "your family tree is a cactus because everybody on it is a prick!" He got very angry at me. He than proceeded to pick my nose so badly, that I bled to death. The last words that I uttered were "I curse thee to be in a story that is far worse than this one." The final thing I saw was the hedgehog running out of my window. Be aware, that hedgehog is still out there and he is dangerous! If you were wondering how a dead person is typing, it is because I am a ghost, and if a blue hedgehog can be a serial killer, then a ghost can type an evil warning on the computer.